Sen. Kerry is talking about service in his run-up to the convention. I hope it continues throughout his campaign. I'd like to hear more about what the government plans to do to deserve all the sacrifice he's talking about - fairer tax code? ambitious space-race type plan to make us safer? He needs to unify us beyond talking about a thousand points of light.
Wilgoren's story about Kerry's speech in Colorado included a GOP response not to Kerry's policy ideas but instead to the symbolism of having the kickoff of his Freedom Trail Tour in that state:
Mr. Bush's campaign scoffed at the symbolism, circulating a statement from this state's Republican senator, Wayne Allard, saying, "John Kerry may have been born in Colorado, but he learned his priorities in Massachusetts."
"Colorado voters know the importance of authenticity, and they're not going to trust a candidate who shifts his positions depending on the audience in front of him," Mr. Allard said, accusing Mr. Kerry of tailoring comments on issues like logging and paying for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan to specific audiences. "Coloradans aren't going to place their faith in a candidate who says he is 'proud' to have opposed funding our troops and then claims that voting to send them body armor was a 'complicated' matter."
They really should do themselves a favor and shut up when all they have to say is a bunch of dishonest misdirection. But it was nice of Wilgoren to let them get it in unchallenged. She's a sweetie that way.