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It really makes sense to me that if you sully the reputation of blogs in general, then we will have less power/influence/what have you to counter corporate media.

Sidenote: It's also pathetic that on many 'top' blogs, wonkette is on but not another more serious female blogger on the sidebar.

You're so right - that's what Ed Gillespie and the rest of the Right are going to work harder on over the next four years I'm sure. I just posted about it after I read that he wants to END EXIT POLLING!!! Part of his explanation involved the inherent sleaziness of the internets:

Mr. Gillespie conceded that the exit polls weren't reported directly by major news organization themselves. "But with the Internet today, we're kidding ourselves, aren't we, to think that everybody in America doesn't know what the exit data is showing?" he said.

I feel like I'm drowning.

I'm with you on Wonkette too. She's the only representative of female bloggers on way too many lists. Of course, those lists usually embarass themselves by their other choices as well. Did you see the WaPo's best poli-blog list?

That story by Zeller was appalling. My sense was that he was sent out with a mission to "take down," not so much the blogs, but the whole story of electoral malfunction, of all sorts. Apparently the thinking goes that if people's minds can be set at ease about the voting systems themselves (and they certainly should not be), those same people will also comfortably ignore the scrubbing of voter rolls, the three-hour to nine-hour waiting lines, the partisan challenges to individual voters at the polls, etc.

But hey, thank goodness we have Zeller on the job, to put us bloggers in our place, and to reassure the electorate (apologies, Bobby McFerrin), "don't worry; be happy." That's a good thing, right? right???

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