Parke Wilde writes the post that I wanted to write on Friday but didn't have the time to:
According to the AP coverage, the authors say obesity "likely will shorten the average life span of 77.6 years by at least two to five years. That's more than the impact of cancer or heart disease, said lead author S. Jay Olshansky, a longevity researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This would reverse the mostly steady increase in American life expectancy that has occurred in the past two centuries and would have tremendous social and economic consequences that could even inadvertently help 'save' Social Security, Olshansky and colleagues contend."
Poor BushCo. He thought he hit a goldmine with the cold-blooded acceptance and misrepresentation of AfAms' shorter lifespans. Now it looks like we're all in the same shrinking lifespan boat. It's okay when black people are doing the dying; in Dear Leader's White House, that's good policy. But everyone dying sooner? Suddenly death isn't BushCo's friend.
Obesity may be overcome by proper nutrition, healthy living and good eating habits. Proper nutrition is an important factor in maintaining proper body weight because essential nutrients are critical for burning fat and removing carbohydrates from the body.
Posted by: Andrew Spark | February 13, 2006 at 03:07 AM