BushCo's jaw isn't suddenly shifting - although all the speculation is fun to read. He's been having that problem since at least the debates. From my live-blogging of the Town Hall-style debate:
9:23 - Kerry reminds BushCo of his promise to go to war with a viable exit strategy and with enough forces to get the job done.My family is arguing whether a blink is a smirk. I call "blirk." And he shifts his jaw now when Kerry is challenging him - that's new!
9:24 - BushCo dares to say that he invaded Iraq as a last resort. I hope every one of the thousands of
dead on both sides haunt him to the grave.9:27 - See - the jaw shift? They must have hypnotized him to sublimate the eye-rolling and grimacing into grinding his teeth.
From the third debate:
9:21 - Kerry calls foul on BushCo shifting topics from jobs to education and we get the first jawshift of the night.
I didn't mention a jaw shift in the post about the first debate but we all remember how crazy he was. It was probably there and buried under all the shrieking and twitching. I'd like to see a tape of it to be sure.