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You know, it struck me back in the days of Nixon (and I've never had reason to change my mind) that wingnuts are bad scary when they're serious, but their sense of humor is positively terrifying.

The example you give above is actually fairly mild by their standards. Dubya has joked about how many people he sent to the gas chamber; Rush used to think jokes about slaves were the bee's knees; Annie goes for ripping off various (liberal) body parts in her humor; and Michelle finds death and destruction de-luscious. Michael Savage, tho, has everybody beat: he thinks the Holocaust was a laff-riot.

Their policies may keep me awake nights but what they think is funny gives me the heebie-jeebies. A run-down house can be repaired, but what do you do when it's also haunted?

Just one word: UNBELIEVABLE!

Hey, IF I ever get a nod (Oh Koufax Gods, let it be so!), it'll be in the "Blogs With the Number of Readers it Takes to Fill a Phone Booth--Or Less" category.

This encouragement, but I have no free porn to offer you.

The first step is admitting you made a mistake.

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