Kathy asks a good question about economamics and immigration. It's so crazy, it just might work!
Revere gets all pragmatic (to use a word I've come to despise) on BushCo's ass and in two posts looks at the realities that circumscribe Team BushCo's lastest pandemic plans. But forget BushCo. Whatever plan his team comes up with will be designed to make government fail. I want to see the panflu plans of the Fortune 500 companies. There's a bunch interested in surviving crises instead of compounding them. Unless, of course, there's profit in compounding them ...
Sago mine families are not giving up the fight and good for them. Jordan revives the story of the Kentucky miner who filmed his own death in an attempt to document safety violations. Read it just in case someone asks you what in the hell unions are good for anymore.
Blah3, who is looking for that magical millionth hit, makes the point that if you don't have any equity in your home, you technically aren't a homeowner.