I guess she's all done running those ethics classes at the White House. Extraordinary wonderful human being, Harriet Meiers, has called it quits. She'll be in charge of finding her replacement, which isn't a new job for her since she was allegedly tasked with finding her replacement after she lost her SCOTUS bid.
I'm worried for her though. According to courtier, Elisabeth Bumiller, who is still on leave to write that biography of the fabulous Condi (working title: Let Me Check with John) the wonderful Harriet found solace after those "brutal 24 days" in her work. I hope she's got something lined up to cushion this blow. On the other hand, maybe it's time to deal with old hurts.
Her friends suggest that her emotions have been stored up in the attic, to be dealt with later ...
Good luck with all that.
"(working title: Let Me Check with John)" - BWAHAHAHA!!
Posted by: Elayne Riggs | January 06, 2007 at 06:38 AM