Joyce Rumsfeld (Rummy’s wife) was taken to Walter Reed by a close friend who was also a WR volunteer. There she was told about the filth, neglect and horror that we are learning about now. When hospital officials found out, Mrs. Rumsfeld’s friend was banned from entering or continuing to volunteer at the hospital.
The military crackdown on reporters extends well beyond Walter Reed. God knows what kind of crap is going on…
Congressman C. W. Young and his wife Bev found a soldier sleeping in his own urine 3 years ago at Walter Reed. When they tried to report it they were rebuffed at every turn.
FLASHBACK: Bev Young removed from State of the Union for T-shirt that read “Support The Troops”
FLASHBACK: The story of how the GOP purged one of their own for fighting too hard for vet care. Once done, shutting down the vets’ access to Congress began immediately.
Forgotten vets are left to deal with their wounds and their debt alone.
Meanwhile, military advisors say we have 6 months to “win” in Iraq before a Vietnam-style collapse.
Those facts are from the Rhandi Rhodes website. They were used by Old Blue at the American Street in an emotional (in the best sense of the word) for impeaching the worst president in our country's history. From Old Blue:
If our country is worth saving, the time has come to work together on this task. If you’re a Bush supporter, take off your blinders and stand up for the troops who have acted with honor and courage. Their commander has betrayed them and he must be removed.