H.R. 811 is a well-intended but deeply flawed bill that will do more harm to the cause for free and fair elections than it will help. Can we count on you to help make it the bill we need it to be?
Monday, June 4 is H.R. 811 Call-in Day. We need you and five of your friends and family to make a call or send a fax to your Congressperson, telling him/her to vote NO on H.R. 811 until crucial improvements are made.
Our minimum target number is 200 concerned citizens flooding every Congress member's phones and faxes on Monday but we won't stop there! We need your help to make this happen. The vote on H.R. 811 could come as soon as Tuesday.
Please let us know the results of your call by leaving a comment in this thread.
We need Voter-Marked Paper Ballots to ensure that our votes will be counted in 2008. H.R. 811, the voting bill presently before Congress, will not ensure that this happens and contains many provisions that are harmful. For example:
HR 811 permits printers to be added to touchscreen machines. In Bucks County alone that cost would reach nearly $2 million. Studies have shown that voters do not check and often cannot find mistakes on these printouts so they are NOT a voter-verified paper record.
Call or fax your Congressperson: NO more wasted money. Vote NO on H.R. 811 until crucial improvements are made.
Find your Congressperson's contact info here.
If these printers are added, another device must be purchased to permit the paper printout to be read to the visually challenged, adding another expense to enable the continued use of the flawed touchscreen machines.
Call or fax your Congressperson: NO more wasted money. Vote NO on H.R. 811 until crucial improvements are made.
Find your Congressperson's contact info here.
H.R. 811 should be rewritten to permit only paper ballots that are truly voter verified because the voter has marked the ballot him/herself. These voter-marked paper ballots can be read by an optical scanner or hand counted and saved for meaningful audits and recounts.
Call or fax your Congressperson: NO more wasted money. Vote NO on H.R. 811 until crucial improvements are made.
Find your Congressperson's contact info here.
H.R. 811 should mandate that this voter-marked paper ballot is in place for the 2008 elections. H.R. 811 now allows the continued use of some voting machines that do not have voter-marked paper ballots until 2010. H.R. 811 must fully fund this mandate to change to voter-marked paper ballots by 2008.
Call or fax your Congressperson: NO more wasted money. Vote NO on H.R. 811 until crucial improvements are made.
Find your Congressperson's contact info here.