BushCo has announced that he will veto this compromise too. Helpful chart brought to you by the Democratic leadership:
BushCo's demands:
- One undocumented child to be ritually sacrificed for every documented child that attains SCHIP coverage
- "SCHIP" must be changed to stand for "State Children's Health Insurance for Parasites"
- States must insure 110% of all low-income children before insuring any child over poverty line. Goal to be reached by purchasing private coverage twice for 10% of low-income children.
- Prior to being phased out of SCHIP, all currently participating childless adults must complete six months of re-education at their own expense during which they will fully internalize the shame of ever having received any health care assistance from the state. Participants will agree to spend following six months on a speaking tour, sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, extolling their freedom from socialized medicine.