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"Which is enough of a reason to become an Obamabot"

Yes! I was getting worried about casa de factesque. He may disappoint us, but let's get him elected and THEN start in.

-johnny a-list

My fear is that people on the Left will never start in and stay in Protect the Candidate mode at all costs.

Good point. One of the side effects of the all-out assault on Clinton has been to make liberals reluctant to push from the left. Understandable but we need to remember that one of the things that got Bush elected was "unity at any price" by a GOP that refused to question its own candidate. Yeah, he got elected but look what "unity" cost the country. The planet, fer chrissake.

And I think Rob's right - again, because of Clinton lefties are going to be very protective of BO even after he wins and very slow to recognize, much less admit, that the man in whom they've invested all their energy and hope is just another politician who talks better than average but doesn't do hardly anything to rock the corporate/conservative boat.

I think a much better strategy is to support him conditionally with a number of fundamental (meaning everybody can agree on them) ifs. If he works to undo the recent crippling of the Bill of Rights, for example.

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