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Mick, as you know I've got nearly 20 years of career consulting under my belt. I don't know what that $800 outfit looks like, but if it draws attention to the interviewee, it's a crappy interview suit.

I always told my clients that the best outfit was one that no one noticed. In a teaching environment, however, an expensive suit would be a terrible mistake as the education sector does not value expensive clothing, and if they notice you spend on clothes, that's a strike against you.

Not surprising — most job hunting advice bites big time.

I don't know if I'm relieved that that terrible advice isn't accurate or aggrieved that there are vultures out there giving crappy advice to desperate people looking for work - and charging money for it. Both, maybe.

For a moment it seemed to me that we had been so infected by corporate values that even the education sector was poisoned. I'm glad to hear otherwise but sorry that my home town paper got bamboozled by a snake-oil consultant.

(BTW, just click the link for the picture. Gonzalez is in the middle. A white blouse with puff sleaves, ruffles breast-to-neck, black below-the-knee skirt, and silver snakeskin pumps. The top is fairly conservative tho the material is obviously expensive, but the shoes would be screaming at me if I was interviewing her. And I heard a radio interview with a human resources person once who was asked what he looked for in an applicant and he said, "A lot of people look at shoes.")

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