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Let's get real here. If you want to help the mortgagors who can not make their payments this is what you do. You rescind the IRS rule that declares as income to the mortgagor any balance left on a mortgage if they walk away from a non-recourse loan. Most first mortgages are non-recourse loans, the borrower can return the property to the lender and walk away from the debt.

Then the government can establish a Loss Mitigation department which has the legal authority to impose some solutions on the far flung absentee mortgage holders. Folks facing foreclosure can get out of their mortgage and become fair market value renters in their homes. The mortgage holders can hold on to their property until the market turns around...in a few years and in the mean time receive some income.

Fannie and Freddie did not write variable rate mortgages as far as I know. Anyone facing foreclosure on one of the loans the GSE's were involved in are folks who can not make the fixed monthly payment they agreed to when they took out the loan or folks who do not want to make the payment because they bought the residence in the last four or five years and now they are upside down in the mortgage, i.e. the mortgage is for more than the residence is worth. (Of course, there are some borrowers who can pay the monthly payment on the first mortgage but cannot get their second mortgage, their non-Fannie or Freddie loan, extended on the original terms. Are you proposing we bail-out these people, the people who took all the equity out of their homes?)

Sounds to me like Rep. Frank is coming up with a trickle down solution for mortgagors. The lender is rescued and maybe there is some benefit to the borrower. I think Frank should be explaining the costs and naming the beneficiaries with a bit more clarity.

Just because Frank is a Democrat in good standing with those to the immediate left of the center is no reason to put up with his "trust me" any more than there is to put up with Ben Bernanke's "trust me."

Some of that - a version of what you call Loss Mitigation, for example - was proposed in the original bill and nixed by the usual cabal of GOP and DLC/Blue Dogs solidly opposing it. No chance of evading a Bush veto, Barney removed the offending section. He removed several offending sections, all of which would have been better for the situation than what's left but none of them would have gotten past the conservative opposition in his own party. If Barney is doing "trickle-down" - and I think your description is justified - he's doing it because that's all he could get past the conservative bloc that has successfully tied up the Congress for the past year-and-a-half. They're the ones at whom you should be directing your ire.

As far as I know, you're right, the FM's didn't write variable mortgages. In their case, that's not the problem. The problem is that the financial scumbags who did have put the economy into a tailspin. The FM's write mortgages for marginal, barely viable borrowers who are the first to be crushed by an economic turndown because they have few resources to call on when something goes wrong, and many of them will be (have been) among the first to lose their jobs or have their hours cut back in this Recession. So they can't pay because they no longer have an income or because food and other necessary expenses have skyrocketed while their incomes are stagnant or have been cut.

The FM's aren't the cause. They are, however, dealing with the fallout from this mess and its effect on the weakest among us.

I should say I'm a little unclear about just which version of which bill we're talking about here. It's either what's left of Barney's bill after the conservative bloc disemboweled it or it is, as the WaPo claims, Bush's bill. Whichever it is, there isn't much in it at this point for homeowners (mortgagees) to cheer about.

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