Blue Texan live-blogging Bill Clinton's DNC speech at FDL:
Really going off on the GOP's shitty economic record, torture, Katrina, cronyism -- "America can do better than that. And Barack Obama will do better than that."
Um, yeah. Mickey Mouse would do better than that. Attilla the Hun did do better than that. My dead Aunt Sadie would be an improvement. She, at least, was psychic.
To be fair to our friends in Denver, we aren't their audience. There are millions of people out there who think that Hugger McSidekick is a maverick who will be an improvement over BushCo. I hear it all the time on the playground from the mid-info voters. I'll post quickly about my favorite and least favorite parts from last night.
Posted by: eRobin | August 28, 2008 at 11:00 AM