WORKERS OCCUPYING the Republic Windows & Doors factory slated for closure are vowing to remain in the Chicago plant until they win the $1.5 million in severance and vacation pay owed them by management.
In a tactic rarely used in the U.S. since the labor struggles of the 1930s, the workers, members of United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 1110, refused to leave the plant on December 5, its last scheduled day of operation.
"We decided to do it because this is money that belongs to us," said Maria Roman, who's worked at the plant for eight years. "These are our rights."
Word of the occupation spread quickly both among labor and immigrant rights activists--the overwhelming majority of the workers are Latinos. Seven local TV news stations showed up to do interviews and live reports, and a steady stream of activists arrived to bring donations of food and money and to plan solidarity actions.
Everytime I go to an organizing meeting for some progressive cause, I hear at least one person tell the stories about LBJ and FDR saying "make me do it." Well, it looks like some workers in Chicago have figured out a very good way to get that sort of attention from Obama. Occupying closed factories is exactly the sort of the thing that got FDR moving. This sort of action will work again but man, it's a heavy lift. Good for United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 1110 for stepping up.
Related: I got the story from the The AP has the story too. It's five sentences long and is sure to mention the fact that police are aware of the situation and are patrolling the area.
Great story. Ever think you'd see the day? And yes, I can't wait to see how Obama reacts to it.
Posted by: mick arran | December 07, 2008 at 05:37 PM