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I'm not so sure. In this Golden Age of Idiocy, I think anybody can be a genius jeenyas. Using modern standards, David Brooks surely qualifies.

Oh, well, if we're going to use modern standards, Bonzo would be qualified and he's dead.

Dr. Bobo has his moments, but I still think Tom Friedman is the most overpaid, useless op-ed columnist on the planet.

Hmmm. That would be a close call. But of course, they're in 2 separate categories....

I think Brooks would be at a definite disadvantage competing for Most Overpaid, Useless Op-Ed Columnist on the Planet since he is occasionally (very occasionally, but still...) coherent. Even if what he says is stupid, you can at least figure out what he's saying. With Friedman, that's hardly ever true.

OTOH, Friedman would be at a disadvantage competing for Most Overpaid Conservative Wingnut Warrior Masquerading as a Centrist because he isn't rreally a conservative wingnut (at least, we don't think he is but he makes so little sense it's really hard to tell what he is) and he isn't masquerading as a centrist because that would require taking positiopns that don't change every 5 minutes depending on how close his deadline is.

Maybe we should throw the question open to the floor and put it to a vote.

In the view that is now dominant, Brooks's abilities were not the product of some innate spiritual gift. His columns were nothing special. They were pastiches of other people’s work. Brooks was a good typist at an early age, but he would not stand out among today’s top high-school newspaper writers.


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