Well, not yet. Maybe tomorrow when she finally hears about it.
Nearly 600 workers at Norwood Hospital, ranging from respiratory therapists to housekeepers, will join the Service Employees International Union as the result of an election yesterday.
Norwood became the third hospital in the Caritas Christi Health Care system, based in Boston, to unionize this year. More than 800 employees at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, the flagship of the six-hospital Catholic chain, in April affiliated with the same labor union, Local 1199 of the SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.
Malkin hates that. In fact, she hates unions, apparently because they promise better working conditions and pay to workers. Well, that's what she said. Calling SEIU's organization of home health care workers a "home invasion" - a term which used to be applied to criminals who broke into your house and robbed you with AK-47s or whatever but which Malkin now feels free to apply to people who ask you to let them help you live better - here's what she thought was so terrible:
Over the last month, home-based providers started have been receiving unexpected visits from out-of-state union lackeys trying to recruit them with the promise of health care benefits and more money.
(emphasis added)
Monstrous! Oh, and she doesn't like any of that voting business, either.
Last week, providers began receiving ballots to elect the SEIU or the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees to represent them. Yes, Illinois provided both the SEIU and AFSCME with the names and home addresses of all 3,500 in-home care providers for the purposes of increasing their membership rolls and political clout.
(emphasis added)
Well, so they could mail them their ballots so they could vote. The law, you know. (Oh. I keep forgetting. Michelle is her own law.) Clearly people voting is BAD and making more money is BAD and better working conditions are BAD because it's all coming out of her pocket.
OK, it's not coming out of her pocket but she thinks it is and that's enough for her.
But it gets worse: doctors have had the indecent temerity to support Obama's healthcare reform! How dare they! But she's going to take care of them: she's got the names of every doctor who had the unmitigated call to engage in an outrageous crime right to her face: they contributed to Democrats! SHOOT EM ALL!
Actually, Michelle's panties are all twisted in her crack because the doctors' appearance was organized by HCAN, which she doesn't think is a real "grass-roots" (she put quotes around it) advocacy group because it isn't run by Dick Armey or a corporation. So it's, like, ALL BAD.
I'll probably never link to Malkin again (this is the only time I've ever done that, I think) but I really thought you ought to read it for yourself. F'rinstance, here are the people who are committing the crime of organizing for something she doesn't think they ought to organize for:
- Dr Alice Chen is an "avowed Obama supporter".
- Dr Vivek Murphy had the nerve to "serve" on Obama's Health Policy Advisory Committee.
And these doctors actually demeaned themselves to the max by donating money to Obama's campaign, an action for which alone they apparently deserve the guillotine:Dr. Hershey Garner (who stood on stage with Obama at the White House event): more than $10,000 in donations to Democratic candidates since 2001.
Dr. Hershey Garner (who stood on stage with Obama at the White House event): more than $10,000 in donations to Democratic candidates since 2001.
Dr. Winfred Parnell: More than $5,700 in donations to Democrats since 2001.
Dr. Michael Newman: $4,550 in donations to Democrats since 2001.
Dr. Boyd Shook: $3,500 in donations to Democrats since 2002.
Dr. Jan Sarnecki: $3,400 in donations to Democrats since 2004.
Dr. Amanda McKinney (who also flanked Obama at the White House event): $2,750 in donations to Democratic candidates since 2001.
Dr. Tracy Nelson: $1,500 in donations to Barack Obama.
Dr. Stanton McKenna: $1,000 in donations to Democrats since 2001.
Dr. Jason Schneider: $600 in donations to Democrats since 2001.
Dr. Biron Baker: $500 donated to Barack Obama last year.
Dr. Nick Perencevich: $500 in donations to Democrats since 2008.
Dr. Elaine Bradshaw: $500 in donations to Barack Obama last year.
It's pretty funny. She's so outraged by consumer and citizen advocacy that she can hardly get her fingers to type between the fire and the smoke coming out of her ears. Nobody better dare pull any of that stuff on her block, I bet.
Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage, indeed!
Posted by: Alice in Wonderland | October 08, 2009 at 05:06 PM